Test Your Home For Air Leaks

Air Leaks in your home are an open invitation for pests and animals. Iowa-Illinois Termite & Pest Control, Inc. is committed to keeping your home pest free by not only getting rid of any pests in your home but preventing them from getting back by eliminating air leaks to seal up your home. Experience has taught us that these same areas where your house is "leaky" are conducive to Rodents (mice and rats) and Nuisance wildlife entry. The critters feel the warm air leaving your home and are drawn to the gap or hole from which the warm air is coming. They will fight hard to access the inside of your house once they have a strong enough desire to do so. With their survival instincts in full swing during winter months, they will go as far as damaging your home to get inside.

If you want to ensure your home is as leak-free as possible, give the professionals at Iowa-Illinois Termite & Pest Control, Inc. a call today for a Free Estimate!

The Blower Door

The Blower Door is a diagnostic tool designed to measure buildings' air tightness and help locate air leakage sites. Building airtightness measurements are used for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Documenting the construction air tightness of buildings
  • Estimating natural infiltration rates in houses
  • Measuring and documenting the effectiveness of air sealing
  • Measuring duct leakage in forced air distribution systems

The Blower Door consists of a powerful, calibrated fan temporarily sealed into an exterior doorway. The fan blows air into or out of the building to create a slight pressure difference between the inside and outside. This pressure difference forces air through all holes and penetrations in the exterior envelope. By simultaneously measuring the airflow through the fan and its effect on the air pressure in the building, the Blower Door system measures the air tightness of the entire building envelope. The tighter the structure (e.g., fewer holes), the less air you need from the Blower Door fan to change building pressure.

Most people notice air leaks in the winter and refer to them as "drafts." The most noticeable air leaks (drafts) are around windows and doors. You may feel these leaks and think that they are probably your primary source of wasted energy. However, in most homes, the most significant air leaks are hidden in the attic and basement. These leaks are typically the most critical factor in energy waste and making your house uncomfortable. Locating these leaks can be difficult because they are not always as easily felt as a leak around a window or door. By having a blower door test done, the technician can easily find the "harder to find" air leaks in your attic and basement.

Having an attic with many air leaks will cost you a lot of energy waste. In the cold weather, the warm air rises in your home, just like it does in a chimney. This air, which you have already paid to heat, rises into your attic and sucks cold air all around your home – windows, doors, and through holes in the basement.

Infrared Imaging

Though the Blower Doors Test is better for the warmer months, we use Infrared Imaging to detect leaks in your home during the cooler months. With Infrared Imaging, we can detect air leaks in your home by seeing the heat escape your home and pinpointing the location of the heat loss. When an air leak is detected, we use poly foam to seal off the leak, which ensures that there will be no further heat loss in that area.

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