Say Bye-Bye To Your Bed Bug Problem


Do you see small, pinprick sized, dark brown/black specks (drops of blood) on your sheets or mattress? Are you getting bug bites while you sleep? Have you seen this bug on or near your mattress or other sleeping areas? If you have answered YES to any of the questions above, you may have bed bugs in your home or apartment!

Bedbugs are small, oval, brownish insects that live off of humans. Adult bedbugs have flat bodies. The female bedbugs may lay hundreds of eggs over a lifetime. Immature bedbugs are called nymphs; they shed their skin five times before reaching maturity. Bedbugs can produce three or more generations per year. 

Bed bugs can live anywhere! Bed bugs don’t care if you are wealthy or low-income; they don’t care if your house is dirty or clean, large or small. Bed bug infestations occur in the most expensive hotels, multi-million dollar estates, homeless shelters, and everything in between.


  • Bedding
  • Bed Frames
  • Mattress seams
  • Under cushions and along seams of upholstered furniture
  • Where the drawers slide on your wood furniture
  • Curtains
  • Along door frames and window frames
  • Ceiling and wall junctions
  • Crown moldings
  • Wall hangings
  • Loose wallpaper
  • Between the carpet and wall
  • Cracks and crevices in the walls and floors
  • Inside electronic devices
Bed bug life cycle — Davenport, IA — Iowa-Illinois Termite & Pest Control
Bed bug actual size — Davenport, IA — Iowa-Illinois Termite & Pest Control

It is easy to spread a bed bug problem to a new location. A bed bug infestation begins when the bugs or eggs are brought in from an infested environment to a previously un-infested one. Some examples include having guests visit who bring bugs with them in their clothing, luggage, or bedding; purchasing an item or accepting delivery of an item that has bugs or eggs on it; and staying in a hotel that is infested with bed bugs and bringing the bugs home with you in your luggage.

Crowded and cluttered living conditions make it difficult to control or eliminate bed bugs. Bed bugs hide and lay their eggs everywhere. Clutter gives bed bugs many hiding places and protects them from control efforts.

At Iowa-Illinois Termite & Pest Control our Remedial Heat treatments are effective to remove all beg bugs from your premises.

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